
Buchvernissage: Research for Peace Love Warrior Dragon

February 22, 2020

veröffentlicht von Jungle Books mit Dumplings und Baiju. Screening des Films Voices of China (2013, 43’) um 19:00 Uhr von Michael Bodenmann, Felix Jungo, Benedikt Stäubli

Opening: February 22nd 2020, 5–8pm


Research for Peace Love Warrior Dragon is an arrangement in book form of photographs by Michael Bodenmann, which were taken on a trip through China. The arrangement as a carpet of images is adopted in the book and the resulting fragmentation and composition is expanded by the associations of the readers. In addition, the book also contains postcards, collected on this trip, which, as a supplement to the pictorial material generated by the artist, refers to the non-final context of the production of the images. In this sense, Research for Peace Love Warrior Dragon has no beginning and no end. The pictured excerpts from the carpet of images are representative of the feeling of an experience made, rather than claiming documentary character. The photographs are also to be understood as bodies of work and the book not as a linear catalog of illustrations, but as a self-contained work.

The illustrative material is supplemented by a text by the art historian and curator Gabrielle Schaad and a travelogue by the artist Clifford E. Bruckmann. In her text, Gabrielle Schaad reflects on the conditions and context of the pictorial material and its creation. Clifford E. Bruckmann, in turn, negotiates a subjective report of experience in written form in a similar way as Michael Bodenmann does on the basis of his photographic work.