
due to circumstance

December 21, 2020 - December 21, 2021

Opening: December 21st 2020


Dear Friends,

We hope you’re well.

Apparently 2020 wasn’t a great year - news, opinion pieces, lifestyle magazines and memes keep letting us know as much. Although we start this letter with pointing it out again, we don’t want to double down on this assessment too much. Rather, we would like to look within and look ahead with the knowledge and experiences gained in the past, distant and not so distant.

In times in which we seem to have to rely more on ourselves to pass time and keep ourselves content, engaged and sane it might be helpful for some to establish habits, new routines or rituals of sorts in order to perform care – no matter if for one’s self and/or for others.

We invited 18 artists to share with us their ritual experiences and stories. Due to circumstance – a collection of a total of 18 contributions – will be published online next Monday, December 21st 2020. With confidence in the upcoming solstice and within the frame of comforting rituals, we hope to create a glimpse at a silver lining on the horizon of 2020.

All the best,
