
takes two to tango

March 9, 2020 - April 12, 2020

Opening: March 8th 2020, 2–6pm


The Charter
• As the Committee dictates in this charter, the practice of sport is a human right.
• Every individual must have the possibility of practising sport, without discrimination of any
kind and in the spirit of friendship, solidarity, fair play and the freedom to enjoy harmonious
• The Committee believes in promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of hu-
man dignity by means of orchestrated competitive and bloodless conflict between countries, clubs
and individuals resulting in dignified humiliation for the losing side.
• A sport is generally defined as a rule-governed form of structured play developed between
civilised peoples to give the illusion of control over the chaos of human existence. These invol-
ve games of skill, chance and strength that instigate an artificial conflict resulting in a win-lose
outcome often quantified by a numeric score.
• The Committee exalts in the balanced combination of body, will, mind and motoric superiority.
It promotes the joy of effort and the socially responsible example set by the regulated defeat of
those both physically and mentally weaker than their opponents.
• Players may not adopt rules that are not approved by the Committee, this includes any augmen-
tation to the rules that may arise from superstitious sporting practices especially those involving
sacrifice. Additionally all behests to supernatural agencies are ruled out as a matter of course for
offering an unfair advantage to the player.
• No foul play, except where appropriate.
• Masks may not be worn unless they have a specific function of protecting the face or teeth from
catastrophic injury.
• In the event of the loss of life of one or more player, the game shall be suspended until enough
players may be found for the game to continue.
• Players are not allowed to run with more than one ball or to jump clear over more than one
section of the field, pitch, court, board, cage or other playable area.
• Participants are advised that the space between players is to be defined by the playable voids
available, and are encouraged to remember that that only way out is through.
• A game takes place within the logic of its own endless and repeating present.
• Winners can only be declared by those not actively participating in the game whose undisputed
authority is invested in them by the eternal wisdom of the Committee.
• If the Committee defines a situation as real, then it is real in its consequences. All decisions are
Leila Peacock, 2020
